
Read all about the how the Roommate shows up in relationships; their strengths, their challenges, and what they must do to build healthy secure relationships. Get a deeper dive and learn how to break free from this Archetype in The Roommate Blueprint.

Not Sure What Your Archetype Is?

This is a graphic showing the Roommate archetype characters.

Dominance: Zone Of Play
Role Deficit:
Supporter Out Of Control

This archetype lives in the zone of play, which means you are likely good at being in the moment and enjoying the ride but feel challenged when the work of relating gets heavy and hard. Learn more about the roles and zones in Q & A.

The Roommate Archetype

If you got the Roommate Archetype, you are reliable. No one has to worry about you. You get yours stuff done and you stay in your lane. You worry about your own tasks and you let others worry about theirs. You don’t feel the need to change or fix anyone.  It is what makes you a great ally and advocate for autonomy. You can be counted on to be a team player and add a lot of value without forcing a specific agenda.

What Does This Mean For My Relationship?
If the challenging aspects of the Roommate Archetype show up in you romantic relationship, it might feel numb or mundane. This sneaky archetype looks really good to outsiders, and can even come with a deep sense of accomplishment in the relationship; this is a power couple who conquers the world together in the task list and can have a good time as friends, but is too tired and busy to be lovers.

They seem to get along and have work well together, yet they struggle with loneliness and a lack of fulfillment (that they often blame on things outside the relationship like work). This partnership is great at getting things done but not great for building intimacy. Society tells us that this is a natural progression in a long-term committed relationship, but does not have to be.

Learn how to rekindle the spark and make time for intimacy with The Roommate Blueprint.


Efficient, Independent, Cooperative, Rational, Reliable.


  • Emotional Distance: Efficiency in tasks may come at the expense of emotional closeness and intimacy.
  • Lack of Romance: The practical focus can lead to neglect of romantic gestures and expressions of love.
  • Routine Monotony: The relationship may become predictable, lacking spontaneity and excitement.
  • Disconnected: Busy schedules and focus on tasks can lead to feeling more like cohabitants than partners.
  • Unmet Needs: Neglect of deeper emotional and physical needs can lead to dissatisfaction and longing for more.

What is A Roommate Like In Relationships?

The Roommate Archetype happens when one partner gets comfortable doing the tasks and work of the relationship and feels challenged with making a physical and emotional connection. Here is an example:

Charley and Casey, fitting the Roommate archetype, live together harmoniously, sharing chores and responsibilities efficiently, like two perfect roommates. Their home is always in order, but they realize they've been missing out on romantic dates and deep emotional conversations, as their interactions have become more transactional over time.

The Roommate Archetype Blueprint has more detail on the five major strengths and the five major challenges that Roommate Archetypes face, along with more solutions and action items to help build healthy and secure relationships.

Is This Your Archetype?

Balance The Roommate Archetype
With This Blueprint

Unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling relationship with the Roommate Archetype Blueprint! This downloadable guide is tailor-made to help you navigate the complexities of your unique relationship dynamic and includes a deep dive into this archetype, date ideas, thought provoking questions for you to consider, and conversation starters for you and your partner.  

  • Enrich Emotional Intimacy: Prioritize deep, emotional connections and meaningful interactions to infuse your day-to-day coexistence with warmth, affection, and renewed passion.
  • Create Shared Memories: Break the monotony with experiences that build your unique story, reinforcing the bond that extends beyond shared spaces and responsibilities.
  • Elevate Communication: Foster a safe space for open and vulnerable communication, where desires, dreams, and concerns are shared and valued, deepening the emotional fabric of your relationship.

Get your hands on the blueprint and start transforming your relationship today!