
Read all about the how the BFF shows up in relationships; their strengths, their challenges, and what they must do to build healthy secure relationships. Get a deeper dive and learn how to break free from this Archetype in The BFF Blueprint.

Not Sure What Your Archetype Is?

The BFF Characters sharing a laugh white background

Dominance: Zone Of Work
Role Deficit:
Friend Out Of Control

This archetype lives in the zone of play, which means you are likely good at being in the moment and enjoying the ride but feel challenged when the work of relating gets heavy and hard. Learn more about the roles and zones in Q & A.

The BFF Archetype

If you got the BFF Archetype, You are SUCH a good friend. You are fun and funny. You are caring and really want people to enjoy themselves. You also sprinkle a little wisdom into the air if the mood fits. You are reliable and you show up for things. You are president of the fan club for the people you love, constantly hyping them up on the things they are working toward.

What Does This Mean For My Relationship?
If the challenging aspects of the BFF Archetype shows up in you romantic relationship, this can be a really confusing place to be. On one hand it feels fun and you genuinely enjoy each other's company, but on the other hand you are not quite satisfied with the amount of connection, commitment, or clarity you have about the future with your partner.

This feels a lot like the friend zone, because it is precisely what the friend zone is. The relationship is pleasant and fun, but missing the intimacy of emotional and physical security that allows couples to assign and hold true to expectations. The feeling in these relationships are often feelings of waiting until a better option comes along. This partnership is great for fun times but not great for intimacy or security.

Learn how to build passion and open deeper dialogue with The BFF Blueprint.


Fun-loving, Companionship, Supportive, Adventurous, Empathetic.


  • Avoidance of Responsibility: May neglect practical aspects of the relationship, leading to imbalance.
  • Lack of Depth: Overemphasis on fun might prevent deeper emotional and intimate connections.
  • Fear of Conflict: Preference for maintaining harmony can lead to avoidance of necessary confrontations.
  • Dependency: Might rely too heavily on the relationship for social fulfillment, limiting individual growth.
  • Complacency: Comfort in the friendship zone can hinder the development of romantic and passionate intimacy.

What is A BFF Like In Relationships?

The BFF Archetype happens when one partner feels comfortable  with fun experiences and feels challenged with making a physical and emotional connection. Here is an example:

Charley and their partner Casey, both resonating with the BFF archetype, share a deep friendship foundation in their relationship, enjoying mutual hobbies, laughing over inside jokes, and supporting each other like best friends. However, they sometimes struggle to address deeper issues or ignite passion.

The BFF Archetype Blueprint has more detail on the five major strengths and the five major challenges that BFF Archetypes face, along with more solutions and action items to help build healthy and secure relationships.

Is This Your Archetype?

Balance The BFF Archetype
With This Blueprint

Unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling relationship with the BFF Archetype Blueprint! This downloadable guide is tailor-made to help you navigate the complexities of your unique relationship dynamic and includes a deep dive into this archetype, date ideas, thought provoking questions for you to consider, and conversation starters for you and your partner.  

  • Elevate to Intimate Connection: Move beyond the comfort of friendship to explore the depths of romantic intimacy, strengthening your bond with vulnerability and emotional closeness.
  • Tackle Challenges Together: Equip yourselves with the tools to face relationship challenges head-on, transforming obstacles into opportunities for growth and deepening connection.
  • Harmonize Friendship and Romance: Find the perfect balance between the ease of friendship and the depth of romantic partnership, ensuring a dynamic and fulfilling relationship that thrives on both levels.

Get your hands on the blueprint and start transforming your relationship today!